Innovation: New Molecular Synthesis Thermostatic Material

After a dozen years of research and development, Wisdom finally achieved breakthrough in thermostatic technology, and successfully released this superior innovation into production.

Now Wisdom thermostatic elements are entirely leading the market with outstanding improvements.

Comparison Test Against Wax Actuator

Test 1: Stroke Speed Test

Test two groups of Wisdom actuators and Wax-made ones, with 80N load, heating 6400ohms PTC resistance from +20°, record stroke height every 30 seconds.

Test result: at 30 sec. wax acutator stay silence, while Wisdom actuator already reach 0.98mm; at 120 sec. Wisdom actuator already arrives 4.5mm;while Wax actuator with stroke of 2.45mm only. In summary, Wisdom thermal actuators are rising much more rapidly than wax-made products.

Left: Wisdom actuator; right: Wax actuator

Test 2: Temperature - Stroke Comparison

Test two groups samples starting from 30°C till 90°C, with load of 80N. The stroke – temperature curve as below:

Summary 1): wax element start actually generating motion at 40°C; note that the piston beneath the element top.

Summary 2): Wisdom element start motion at 79°C, and grow stroke quite fast: between 79°C to 84°C, the element piston grows 5mm; while wax element grows 5.2mm between 69°C to 79°C. Wisdom element significantly faster than wax element as temperature incresses.

Left: Wisdom actuator; right: Wax actuator

Wide Working Temperature Range

The working temperature range of Wisdom thermostatic element is -50°C till +300°C, while wax-made products are of +30°C till +90°C only. With this excellent progress, wisdom thermal products are capable of hard application condition and creating the future.

High Temperature-Sensitivity

Wisdom thermostatic elements with higher temp-sensitivity, the response period of both temperature rising and droping is 40% - 60% shorter than wax elements.

* Above samples tested are of automobile engine thermal control element, with 80N test load, started by ambient temp. 20°C.

test  (1): put samples into 40°C water, it takes 4min 9sec. to reach stroke of 8mm; while wax-made element need 11min. more

test (2): put samples into 50°C water, it takes 1min 46sec. to reach stroke of 8mm; while wax-made element need 9min. more

test (3): after samples reach the max. stroke, put them into 15°C water and record, it takes 20sec. return.

Extended Service Life, Supreme Reliability

Traditionally wax thermal elements made from a combination of paraffin and copper powder, ensuring the temperature sensitivity.

After certain cycles of melting-solidification, those powders will be sinked down toward the bottom of wax, causing the element failure.

Wisdom thermostatic elements no need any additive, with supreme reliability. Wisdom spent three years of lifetime testing, carried out totally 250000 times continuous examination.

Higher Maximum Stroke

Wisdom thermal material with higher expansion rate, the maximum motion range are respectively 2-3mm higher than wax products. With this unique advantage, wisdom products can be fabricated smaller size possible.

Greater Maximum Load

Thanks to its higher expansion rate, Wisdom thermostatic elements can bear greater charge load. Under the same condition, the maximum charge load of Wisdom elements are 3 - 4 times than regular wax elements, enable Wisdom products can be employed in extremely strict application.

Customized Stroke-Temp. Performance

Due to its own physical characteristic, wax expansion rate stay constant, thus those wax thermal elements output the same motion-temp. performance.

As for Wisdom thermal elements can be provisioned by certain proportion, resulting various motion-temp. performance. e.g.: for thermo-electric actuator, the curve is steep; as for thermostatic mixing valve element the curve would be linear.

Wisdom thermoelectric actuators work as a switch, the slope of temp.-stroke curve can be adjusted much close to vertical.
Wisdom thermostatic mixing elements, work as control valve, its temp.-stroke curve can be adjusted more linear, for more precisely fluid control.