In order to improve the energy-saving effect, thermostatic element reduce power consumption and increase output power gain of large-scale electrical control equipment, an energy-saving design method of large-scale electrical controller based on the fitness compensation of inner-loop controller and DC/AC inversion model is proposed. The controller unit model of large-scale electrical equipment is constructed, the DC/AC inversion model of current inner-loop control is established, and the output gain control is carried out by using the fitness compensation method of inner-loop controller to realize the hardware design of large-scale electrical controller. The experimental results show that this method has better energy-saving effect and higher output power gain in the design of large-scale electrical controller. The energy-saving design index of large-scale electrical equipment system depends on reasonable model structure and accurate model parameters. By means of electrical automation control, the influence of external disturbance characteristics and external disturbance on the output power gain of electrical equipment is reduced, and the energy-saving design of large-scale electrical controller is realized. The controller design method for large-scale electrical equipment is mainly based on particle swarm optimization, transient modeling and proportional-integral control method. Through the modeling of large-scale electrical equipment controller unit, combined with search-Gauss process hybrid algorithm, the optimal design of electrical equipment controller unit model is realized.
Target [3], energy-saving design is carried out with output voltage gain and power loss as constraints, but the traditional method has large power overhead and poor energy-saving effect [4]. For this reason, the energy-saving design method of large-scale electrical controller based on the fitness compensation of inner-loop controller and DC/AC inversion model is proposed. Through the algorithm and hardware design of the energy-saving control model, the energy-saving optimization design of electrical controller is realized, and good results are achieved. The unit model of large-scale electrical equipment controller is mainly composed of DC/AC inverter model, current inner-loop controller and outer-loop control model. The integrated intelligent control system of electrical equipment is built on the basis of embedded operating system. After transplantation, it can run on different hardware platforms, combining control algorithm and previous hardware.
Circuit design realizes multi-threading control of large-scale electrical equipment, and makes the integrated intelligent control system of electrical equipment run on ARM, PowerPC and other hardware platforms. It ensures that the software program of the control system has better portability and human-computer interaction, and realizes intelligent energy-saving control of large-scale electrical equipment in the Internet of Things environment. The embedded Linux system of large-scale electrical equipment integrated intelligent control system is divided into four layers: parameter input layer, hardware design module layer, control core layer and human-computer interaction layer [5?6]. According to the above development environment and the overall design description of the control system, the energy-saving controller of large-scale electrical equipment is obtained.
The structure model of the controller of large-scale electrical equipment is shown in Figure 1. On the basis of parameter analysis and control model design of large-scale electrical equipment controller, energy-saving design optimization of electrical controller is carried out. In this paper, an energy-saving design method of large-scale electrical controller based on the fitness compensation of inner-loop controller and DC/AC inversion model is proposed, and the DC/AC inversion model of electric controller controlled by current inner-loop is established. The controller unit model of large electrical equipment is mainly constructed by DC/AC inverters and inner-loop control model [7]. The structure block diagram of the inner-loop control model is shown in Fig.
2. According to the above model design and circuit analysis, the hardware design of energy-saving design for large-scale electrical controller is carried out.
In the design of hardware module, it is mainly composed of GT8340 embedded control chip and motor driver. IRPF260N circuit design method is adopted, ADSP21160 processor is used as the core control chip to design the system integrated circuit.
Single 220 AC power supply is adopted with input peak value of 3 Vpp. Its clock interrupt interface supports 8 multi-frequency energy-saving interrupt control. The system directly executes AC coupling signal modulation from address 0x, loads from external 8-bit or 16-bit memory bootstrap program, accesses the internal registers of CPU through JTAG interface, and realizes the hardware circuit design of energy-saving control, as shown in Fig. 4. In the energy-saving design of large-scale electrical control, the format of control command is hexadecimal.
The structure of control command is shown in Table 1. The experimental software platform is based on the simulation software of MATLAB 7.0. In the experimental test, the torque output of the large electrical controller is between 1.2 and 3.5. The maximum speed of the energy-saving control motor is 154 rad/s.
The other parameters are set in Table 2. According to the above simulation environment settings, the control performance test is carried out. Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 show the comparison of output current and power gain between the proposed method and traditional parameter identification method respectively. The simulation results show that the output current and power gain curves of the inner and outer loops have higher gains when the proposed method is used for large-scale electrical energy-saving control. The model in this paper is closer to the ideal output parameters, which shows that the energy-saving effect is better and the performance is superior.
In order to improve the energy-saving effect of large-scale electrical controllers, an energy-saving design method of large-scale electrical controllers based on the fitness compensation of inner-loop controllers and DC/AC inversion model is proposed. The experimental results show that the output current of this method is stable and the power gain is larger, which is closer to the ideal level than the traditional method and has superiority in energy-saving design of electrical controller.